Plan your Term 4 events with EDS

As Term 3 nears to an end, our display panels are in high demand for end of year events. Our display boards are highly versatile for any school events – they can be used to display artwork or as room partitions. Whether you have an art show, graduation or expo to prepare for, we have a range of different boards to suit your needs. Our boards range in size from 1.8m to 2.4m high, and are available in either a black fabric or white vinyl backing.

We also have a range of additions available, including art hanging systems, lighting, flooring hire, furniture, and more! If you need inspiration, check out how some previous schools have used our boards:

As part of your order with Exhibition & Display Services, we will deliver and set up your display boards in your desired layout. Once your event is complete, we also dismantle the boards for you, meaning you have one less thing to worry about on the big day. So what are you waiting for? Contact us today to secure your order for any of your end of school year events!